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Vienna Little League

Program Information

Vienna Little League, Inc. (VLL), is a Virginia corporation, a 501(c)(3) public charity with federal tax-exempt status, and a chartered program of Little League International (LLI). 

Operating with volunteer directors and coaches, VLL offers instructional, developmental, and competitive co-ed baseball programs for youth players between the ages of 4 and 13 who reside (or attend a public or private school) within our LLI-defined geographic boundaries. More than 1,000 boys and girls each year participate in our programs.

VLL operates its programs across two distinct seasons: Spring and Fall. Our Spring season is our primary season and runs from approximately mid-March through early/mid-June, with some variation depending upon level of play and school calendar considerations. Our "Fall Ball" developmental season runs from late August through mid/late-October (there are no tryouts for Fall Ball).

We offer 7 distinct levels of play, described below. Players of all ability levels are accepted into our programs, with assignments to a particular playing level determined by a combination of factors, including age and demonstrated skill and prior baseball experience. For purposes of determining a player's age eligibility for a particular level, "league age" is determined based upon month and year of birth using this calculator. (In some cases, a player's "league age" for the season may be older than their actual age during the season.)


Age Distribution by Level - Ages 4-12

Levels Not Requiring a Tryout - Ages 4-9

For these levels, the focus is introduction, instruction, and development. No scores or standings are kept, promoting a focus on skill development, playing time equity, and good sportsmanship. Teams are formed using logical groupings that take account of such factors as coach and parent/guardian requests (e.g., friends and carpooling arrangements), common neighborhoods and schools, and team assignments from prior seasons. Other considerations will include achieving a balance of age distribution across teams at each level of play. Best efforts are made to honor all reasonable requests submitted during the registration process.

Tee Ball is primarily for League Age 4 and 5 players, as well as beginners who are League Age 6. Teams have a 60-minute practice during the week, and a 60-minute game on Saturday. All players bat once every inning and an emphasis is placed on playing multiple positions in the field during the game. (The Fall Ball "Juniors" program is similar to Tee Ball, but is a 90-minute, Sunday-only event that combines a practice and a game.)

Rookie is primarily for League Age 6 and 7 players, with some novice players who are League Age 8. Players who are League Age 6 are only eligible for Rookie if they have previously participated in a Spring season of Tee Ball. This is our introductory coach-pitch level, with the use of a batting tee when needed to promote good pace of play. Teams have a 60-minute practice during the week, and a 75-minute game on Saturday. All players bat once every inning and an emphasis is placed on playing multiple positions in the field during the game. (In Fall Ball, we offer only a single coach-pitch level, which is 1A.)

Minors 1A is primarily for League Age 8 players, with a limited number of experienced League Age 7 and newer League Age 9 players. Each week, 1A teams typically have a 90-minute weekday practice and play two 6-inning/2-hour games (one weekday -- likely on Wednesday or Thursday -- and one on Saturday). (In Fall Ball, our 1A program has only a single weekly practice, on a weeknight, and a single weekly game, on Saturdays.) Play is exclusively coach pitch and introduces the concept of 3 outs per inning (as opposed to Rookie, where every player bats every inning). Minimum play requirements are prescribed so players gain experience at multiple field positions.

Levels Requiring a Spring Preseason Tryout and Draft Placement - Ages 8-12

VLL offers competitive play in the Minors 2A, Minors 3A, and Majors divisions, where scores and standings are kept during the Spring season. These divisions are player-pitch with some modified rules at the 2A and 3A levels to promote pace of play and introduce advanced concepts. Teams are formed via draft and, as a result, do not consider teammate, schoolmate, or carpool requests. All age-eligible players must attend a "tryout" (skills assessment) to be in the player draft pool in the Spring.

Minors 2A is primarily for League Age 9 players, with a limited number of experienced League Age 8 and newer League Age 10 players. This is our introductory player-pitch level, with some modified rules to promote pace of play. 2A teams typically have a 90-minute practice during the week and play two 6-inning/2-hour games (one weekday -- likely on Monday or possibly Tuesday -- and one on Saturday). To further skill development, all players remain in the batting order throughout the game and minimum-play requirements are prescribed so players gain experience at multiple field positions. All 2A teams compete in the Town Tournament held in early June.

Minors 3A is primarily for League Age 10 players, with a limited number of experienced League Age 9 and newer League Age 11 players. This is our experienced player-pitch level. 3A teams typically have activities 4 times per week: a 90-minute field practice, a 60-minute batting practice, and two 6-inning/2-hour games (one weekday -- likely on Thursday or possibly Wednesday-- and one on Saturday). To further skill development, all players remain in the batting order throughout the game and minimum-play requirements are prescribed so players gain experience at multiple field positions. All 3A teams compete in the Town Tournament held in early June.

Majors is the highest level of competition on the 60-foot Little League field. Teams include League Age 11 and 12 players along with some advanced League Age 10 (limited to a maximum of 2 per team). Once a player is drafted to a Majors team, the player remains on that team through his/her 12-year-old season. Majors teams typically have activities 5 times per week, including 2 field practices, a batting practice, and at least 2 games (one or two during the week -- on Tuesday or Wednesday and sometimes on Friday -- and one on Saturday). Nine players are in the batting order, with all players guaranteed at least 1 at-bat and 6 defensive outs in the field per game. The top four teams in each Majors division (American League and National League) compete in the Town Tournament held in early June. Our Summer "All-Star" teams that compete locally and regionally in Little League tournaments are primarily selected from our Majors player ranks.

Intermediate (50/70) - Age 13 

Intermediate (50/70) is designed for players League Age 13 to help with their transition to the 60/90 "big field." Games are played on fields with dimensions that are bigger than Little League but smaller than a regular 90-foot baseball diamond; the Little League pitching distance is increased by 4 feet, to 50 feet, and the length of the basepaths is increased by 10 feet, to 70 feet. Advanced concepts of leads, pickoffs, and balks are introduced at this level. Intermediate (50/70) teams typically practice 1-2 times per week and compete in weekly games against other Little Leagues in Northern Virginia. Home games are Friday evenings at Nottoway Park. (Any spring tryout/skills assessment process for Intermediate (50/70) baseball will be separate from the tryouts for 8-12-year-olds.)

Challenger Baseball

Challenger Division, offered by VLL since 1989, is for individuals with physical and intellectual challenges to play adaptive baseball in a supportive, nurturing, and fun environment at NO COST to our families. Challenger players may begin participating in the program at age 4.

The Challenger season runs from Opening Day (April) through the first weekend in June. Games are played on Sunday afternoons. Our VLL Majors teams and local high school players volunteer and provide on-field coaching support throughout the season. No experience necessary. Players will participate in skill development as well as play in a 3-inning game where every player gets to hit the ball (tee or coach pitch), run the bases, and score a run. The games are very fun and everyone has a great time. Basic adaptations are implemented where need be. Parents can watch from the stands or participate on the field. The first game of the season immediately follows the VLL Opening Day ceremonies at Yeonas Park around 11 a.m. All subsequent games are generally played on Sundays at 1:00 PM on Nance Field at Yeonas Park.

If you are interested in registering a player for Challenger Baseball, please contact Jason Adams at [email protected].


Q. Do you need coaches?

A. ALWAYS! Enthusiasm and energy are 99% of the requirements for being a great team manager for our youngest players, and we also have lots of resources available to help guide you -- including practice curricula for various levels, coaching guides, and clinics focused on skill development and coaching fundamentals like how to run a well-organized practice. Candidates interested in managing a team at 3A or below should email our Minor League Director ([email protected]) or our 1A/Rookie/Tee Commissioner ([email protected]).

Q: When will I learn about my child's team assignment?

A. Teams are formed each Spring in a cascading fashion, starting with the drafts for Majors, 3A, and 2A, which are completed in mid- to late-February, and then proceeding to player selection for teams at 1A, Rookie, and finally Tee Ball, which typically concludes by mid-March. The timing of notification about your player(s) team assignment(s) will thus vary depending on the level at which your player is placed.

Q: When will practices and games begin?

A. Timing for the commencement of activities may vary a bit by level. The bulk of our Spring season occurs after the completion of FCPS spring break in April, but many levels will have at least some initial practices before that time, and our upper levels may even begin playing games in late March. Each team will have at least one regularly scheduled practice on the same day/time/location each week, but we cannot tell you in advance the day or time that your player's team will be practicing.

Q: What equipment and other items does my player need?

A. The League provides team hats and jerseys and we supply each team with baseballs and some other essential equipment, such as catcher's gear. Players, however, are responsible for having their own: baseball bat (bearing the "USA Bat" certification); glove; batting helmet; baseball pants (and, depending upon pant style, a belt); and athletic footwear (sneakers may be acceptable for those at our youngest levels; otherwise rubber-soled cleats are recommended; metal spikes are not allowed). At our instructional levels, these items need not be expensive; many are priced in the $20-30 range or less. League-supplied equipment is available for families with demonstrated financial need.

Q. Can I sponsor my child's team?

A. Sponsorships by local businesses are critical to VLL's financial well-being, as registration income only covers a portion of our annual expenses. Team sponsorships are available for 3A and below, along with options to sponsor field banners, the annual Opening Day Program, and other VLL events. Please visit this LINK for more information.

Q. Does my 6-year-old have to play Tee Ball?

A. Yes, unless the player has already completed a SPRING season of Tee Ball. Participating in our Fall Juniors program is NOT sufficient to meet this requirement. The majority of our League Age 6 players (typically kindergarteners) are in Tee Ball.

Q. Should my 7- or 8-year-old play Rookie or 1A?

A. Players who are League Age 7 or 8 may play either Rookie or 1A. Typically, the majority of our League Age 7-year-old players will play Rookie, with a limited number (usually players with more experience) playing 1A. Players who are League Age 8 and new to the sport could start at either Rookie or 1A; 8-year-olds with prior playing experience are likely best suited for 1A, with a small number trying out for introductory player-pitch (2A). It is important to understand the difference in time commitment when selecting a level for your 7-year-old. Rookie teams will have a weekday practice and a Saturday game. Practices are typically 60 minutes, and games are typically 75 minutes. 1A teams will have both a weekday game and a Saturday game (each up to 2 hours in duration) in addition to a practice during the week.

Q. My child is better than the average X-year-old. Can he/she "play up?"

A. We do not make exceptions to the minimum age requirements for our levels. As a league of over 1,000 kids, we cannot possibly assess every player/situation and have a structure in place that promotes individual players to an appropriate level of play at all levels.

Q. Are there evaluations ("tryouts") for Spring baseball?

A. All players League Age 10 and above must attend an evaluation to enable our coaches to draft them to the appropriate level (no player, however, will be turned away from VLL based upon skill level). Players who are League Age 8 and 9 who are seeking placement in 2A or 3A also must attend a tryout to be draft-eligible. Players who wish to play 1A or below should not participate in the evaluations, and no players League Age 7 or younger should attend the evaluations.

Q. Can I request a specific manager or teammate for my son or daughter?

A. For our Tee Ball, Rookie, and 1A levels, we do our best to form teams with manager, teammate, and other requests in mind. These requests can be noted during registration. 2A, 3A, and Majors teams are formed by draft, and so such requests cannot be honored.

Bat Buying Tips

All bats used in Majors and below must be "USA Bat" certified (look for the insignia on the barrel of the bat)

Glove Buying Tips

Refund Policy

To request a refund for your player's registration, contact the VLL League Information Officer at [email protected].

All refunds are subject to the discretion of the VLL Board of Directors. Approved refund requests for the Spring season will be processed as follows:

  • A refund request made on or before December 30 will be refunded the registration fee minus a $30 processing fee.
  • A refund request made between January 1-31 will be refunded the registration fee minus a $50 processing fee.
  • A refund request made between February 1-28 will be refunded your registration fee minus a $100 processing fee.
  • There are no refunds after March 1.

Please note that refunds will NOT be provided because families cannot adjust their schedules to VLL practice or game times, nor will refunds be provided because the league is unable to accommodate a teammate/carpool or coach request.

Player Registration

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Parent Code of Conduct

VLL has implemented this Parent Code of Conduct for the important message it holds about the proper role parents play in supporting their child in sports.

The essential elements of character-building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles of respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, trustworthiness, and good citizenship.

Any parent engaging in improper conduct will be subject to discipline from the league and sanctions may include removal from the facility and suspension from attending future games and league events.

As a parent/guardian, I understand and acknowledge that:

•      I play a special role in the development of my child and his/her teammates and my encouragement and good example will do more to ensure good sportsmanship than any other influence.

•      I will foster a baseball environment free of abusive, offensive, and vulgar language.

•      I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and I will refrain from their use at all sports events.

•      Children participate to have fun and that the game is for youth, not adults.

•      I will learn the rules of the game and support the policies of the league.

•      I (and my guests) will encourage good sportsmanship by showing respect for all players, coaches, umpires, and spectators.

•      I will encourage my child to do his/her best, work hard, have a positive attitude, play by the rules, be respectful of others and resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.

•      I will teach my child to be gracious and humble in both victory and defeat.

•      I will not engage in, nor encourage any behavior or practice that would endanger the physical, emotional, or mental well-being of any player.

•      I will not ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a competition.

•      I will emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit my child over winning. I will also de-emphasize games and competition in the lower age groups.

•      I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the athletes ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child to win.

•      I recognize the challenges faced by umpires, particularly teenage umpires, and will demonstrate positive support and respect their decisions without dissent.

•      I will not enter the field of play, nor will I criticize umpires or dispute any of their calls, and I understand that there is zero tolerance for those that do.

•      I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.

•      I will never question, discuss, or confront coaches at the game field, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place.

Publicity/Publications Release

As a condition of participation in League activities, parents/guardians of registrants grant Vienna Little League permission to use photographs, voice recordings, or video taken of my player during the games and events associated with VLL in any manner to help promote the league activities, as determined in the sole discretion of VLL. Such use could include publications, media releases, public announcements, electronic or otherwise, and on VLL websites or social media pages. Such material remains the property of VLL and neither the players nor their parents/guardians will receive any compensation if such material appears in any of the manners listed above, or other manner that the league deems appropriate. VLL does not have the right to disclose any other biographical or identifying information regarding the player.

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