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Vienna Little League

Vienna Baseball Foundation

The Vienna Baseball Foundation (VBF) was founded in 1989 and incorporated on August 17 of that year. The organization's primary mission is to further the interest of Vienna Little League baseball at all levels by providing funding for projects that are above and beyond the reach of small community organizations.

VBF's Articles of Incorporation are available HERE.


VBF was originally funded with proceeds from the sale of 6.2 acres of land near the intersection of Route 123 and Courthouse Road in Oakton, Virginia. The tract was purchased in 1966 by Vienna Little League for $32,000 for the purpose of building a baseball field. The league put down a deposit of $6,500 on the land and borrowed the remainder. At the time, VLL did not have the additional revenue required to build the field, but the league paid off the loan within five years. In 1988, the land was sold to a developer, and a fund was established with the proceeds from the sale. Vienna Baseball Foundation was founded to manage, grow, and distribute revenue from the fund in support of and for use by Vienna Little League exclusively.

The money in the fund was first used in the early 1990's to complete a much-needed refurbishment of Yeonas Park, the land area designated by the Yeonas family for the purpose of providing Little League fields for the youth of Vienna. During this period, almost $750,000 was spent on capital improvements to the park: re-grading and sodding of fields; installation of lights; remediation of drainage and erosion issues; construction of a snack bar and storage facilities; and completion of several smaller projects. 

Though no projects on that scale have been funded since the early years of the foundation, VBF has continued to fund projects upon request to support and enhance the growth, infrastructure, and operations of Vienna Little League for more than three decades.

In the past, VBF has raised money for VLL through letter writing campaigns, raffles, and various booster events. Over the years, the foundation has also received generous support from corporate and individual investors, as well as foundations.

Governance and Operation

VBF operates as a 501(c)(3) organization. The Vienna Baseball Foundation files an annual Form 990 in compliance with IRS regulations for tax-exempt organizations. Recent and historical tax filings are available HERE.

The Vienna Baseball Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors whose members are appointed by the governing boards of both VBF and Vienna Little League. The current VBF officers and directors are:

  • Mike Orfini, President
  • Frank Williams III, Vice President
  • Tony Anzilotti, Treasurer
  • Susan Hanifin, Secretary
  • Steve Briglia, Member
  • Tim Davis, Member
  • Brian Smith, Member
  • Mark Weber, Member
  • Missy Whittington, Member

Management of the VBF fund is conducted in accordance with the organization's charter, under the direction of the board, with advisory and financial services provided by Truist Bank.

The VBF Board meets quarterly; interested guests are always welcome.

VBF gratefully accepts tax-deductible donations from individuals and entities interested in promoting youth baseball in Vienna.
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