Majors Team Sponsor - $2,000 **WAITLIST ONLY**
Contact vllsponsorship@gmail.com
3A/2A/1A Team Sponsor - $1,000 (Spring & Fall) or $800 (Spring Only)
· Placement of business/organization name on sponsored team's jerseys (two games per week per team).
· Name in Opening Day Program.
· Business logo placement and links on VLL.org.
· Commemorative plaque for the Spring season team.
· VLL will feature your company one time during your sponsorship season on our Instagram and Facebook pages, which reach over 1,300 members ($100 value) (Spring & Fall sponsors only).
· $100 discount on a field banner sponsorship (Spring & Fall sponsors only).
Rookie/Tee Ball Team Sponsor - $750 (Spring & Fall) or $500 (Spring Only)
· Placement of business/organization name on sponsored team's jerseys (one game per week per team).
· Name in Opening Day Program.
· Business logo placement and links on VLL.org.
· Commemorative plaque for the Spring season team.
· $50 discount on a field banner sponsorship (Spring & Fall sponsors only).
Premium XL Field Banner - $800 SOLD OUT
· Sponsor's Name appears on a 6' x 12' Banner displayed at Glyndon Park-Cervenak Field, Nottoway Park-Curry Field, or Nottoway Park -Black Field for the Spring, All-Star, and Fall Seasons.
· All banners at Yeonas fields are FOREST GREEN with WHITE IMPRINT.
· Name in Opening Day Program.
· Business logo placement and links on VLL.org.
Field Banner - $500 SOLD OUT
· One 9' x 3' Field Banner displayed 24/7 in-season at Yeonas Park, featuring your company/organization name, logo, and contact info.
· All banners at Yeonas fields are FOREST GREEN with WHITE IMPRINT.
· Name in Opening Day Program.
· Business logo placement and links on VLL.org.
Snack Bar Sponsor - $1,000
Get visibility for your business at the most popular spot of Yeonas Park: the snack bar! Have your company predominantly displayed for all families to see when waiting for their hot dogs, snowcones, and snacks!
Batting Cage Sponsor -$1,500
Sponsor the Yeonas Park Batting Cages for the year! All 2A, 3A, Majors and Intermediate (50/70) teams have cage time each week. Have your company name on the side of the cages by the entrance for all to see!
Scoreboard Sponsor $1,000
Have your business featured on a scoreboard at one of our prime fields.
Opening Day Sponsor - $1,000
Be the sole sponsor of VLL's biggest day! All of the teams come together to celebrate Opening Day with the Mayor, town council and families. You will receive an ad on the back cover of the collectible program and have a minute of remarks to the community.
Practice Jerseys for AAA/Majors division- $5,000 each
For the first time, we are offering the opportunity to put your logo on a jersey! Sponsor practice jerseys for our AAA and Majors Division. You can sponsor both or just one of the divisions. Cost will cover purchase and design of the shirts (VLL can arrange for the shirts to be made for each player with your input on design).
1A Field Day Sponsor - $500
Sponsor name on the back of all 1A player and adult commemorative shirts for one league (American or National) for this two-hour player/team competition at Yeonas Park in June.
Diamond Talk Featured Sponsor - $1500
Be the featured sponsor of our email newsletter each season! Diamond Talk goes to approximately 2,000 recipients (weekly during the season and less frequently during the off-season) sharing news and other announcements from around the league. The featured sponsor's name and logo will appear at the top of each newsletter and in the email subject line.
Website Sponsor - $250
Business/organization logo placement and links on VLL.org.
Baseball Facilities Email Blast - Included with team/banner package
We will send an email to our mailing list up to 2x per season about your camps, private lessons, etc. if you purchase a team or banner sponsor from the choices above.